Grand Winner Tech Planter Demo Day Indonesia 2018

Grand Winner Tech Planter Demo Day Indonesia 2018

Sharing Session Bersama Indobot, Start Up Robot Edukasi Anak Lokal Yang Mendunia

Seiring bermunculannya perusahaan teknologi atau start up di Indonesia menarik minat para pelaku teknologi dari dalam maupun luar negeri untuk membantu para start up mem-scale up bisnisnya. Salah satunya dengan adanya ajang Tech Planter yang mendapat dukungan dari Japan Tobacco Award, Mitsui Chemical award, surprises Leave a Nest Award, serta Grand Winner Award. Tahun 2019 nanti merupakan tahun kedua ajang Tech Planter Demo Day yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia, oleh sebab itu pada tanggal 4-6 Desember lalu dari pihak panitia mengadakan Briefing Session Tech Planter di 3 tempat yaitu Block71 Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia dan Intitut Pertanian Bogor.

“Setiap tahunnya mereka akan mengadakan Tech Planter Demo Day, tahun lalu adalah tahun pertama Indonesia mengadakan ajang ini, dan alhamdulillahnya, saya bisa mewakili Indonesia untuk mempresentasikan start up saya di tingkat Asia-Pasific”, tutur pendiri Indobot Oby Zamisyak dalam keterangan resminya yang diterima, Kamis (3/8/2018). Indobot adalah salah satu narasumber dari acara Briefing Session Tech Planter ini, ia membagi pengalamannya dan produk robot edukasinya ketika mengikuti ajang Tech Planter 2018 yang diadakan di Singapura. Menurut Oby, dengan mengikuti ajang ini, para start up dapat mendapatkan banyak benefit. Seperti dapat berkumpul dengan start up lainnya yang ada di Asia-Pasifik, sehingga bisa saling berbagi pengalaman dan bertukar pikir. Selain itu, akan ada banyak kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan para angel investor yang lebih besar dari berbagai macam negara,ungkap Oby.

Source: Harnas News

Indobot Hadirkan Permainan Fisik Lewat Robot untuk Anak-Anak

Menjamurnya penggunaan, terkadang membuat anak-anak kerap kecanduan gim online dan biasanya berlangsung terus menerus. Oleh sebab itu, Indobot sebagai perusahaan lokal Indonesia berupaya untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Adapun cara yang dipilih oleh Indobot adalah melatih kegiatan motorik anak-anak dengan permainan fisik lewat robot. Indobot percaya cara ini dapat membuat anak-anak memiliki ketertarikan dalam dunia teknologi, khususnya robotika.

“Permainan fisik sejenis robot dapat menjadi solusi dari kecanduan gim online pada anak-anak, sekaligus melatih motorik mereka,” tutur pendiri Indobot Oby Zamisyak dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima, Jumat (3/8/2018).

Dengan berbekal pengetahuan robotika sejak dini, Indobot berharap anak-anak dapat memiliki ketertarikan dunia teknologi khususnya robotika, sehingga harapannya di masa depan dapat mengembangkan teknologi untuk kemajuan bangsa. Dalam menciptakan robot edukasi, tim Indobot melakukan berbagai macam riset dan mengikutkan produknya dalam berbagai lomba. Salah satunya adalah Tech Plan Demo Day yang diadakan pada bulan lalu.

Lomba ini mendapat dukungan dari berbagai macam pelaku teknologi dunia, seperti Japan Tobacco Award, Mitsui Chemical Award, Surprises Leave a Nest Award, serta Grand Winner Award. Dalam kompetisi ini, Indobot berhasil menyingkirkan 31 finalis dari berbagai macam teknologi dan mendapatkan juar 1 Grand Winner Awards sebagai perwakilan Indonesia di tingkat Asia-Pasifik. Adapun produk andalan Indobot dalam kompetisi tersebut adalah Basic Line Follower Robot. Kemampuan robot tersebut berhasil menarik perhatian para juri dan delegasi dari banyak perusahaan Jepang. Menyusul kesuksesan tersebut, Indobot juga mendapatkan kesempatan mempresentasikan inovasinya di ajang Tech Planter di Singapura. “Impian kami membumikan teknologi yang diciptakan para pemuda Indonesia dan membuktikan bahwa kita bisa,” tutur Oby.

Source: Liputan6

A Snapshot of 2018 Season Tech Planter Demo Day Indonesia

What is TECH PLANTER and why we do it?

TECH PLANTER is an acceleration and pitch competition focusing on Deep Tech (we call it Real Tech). We conduct this program to provide startups with mentoring, fundraising and market expansion opportunities in Asia, especially in Japan. Winners will receive a trip to Singapore or Japan to pursue angel investment and corporate partnerships. Leave a Nest’s science communicators works with founders each and every day. We leverage our experience of launching a science and technology into business forms to ensure your team executes well every step along the way.


Early stage startups and pre-startup researchers’ team in Robotics, IoT, Hardware, Biotech, Healthcare, Food and Agriculture and more real technologies.

Judges from 2018 Season

Dr. Yukihiro Maru

Founder and CEO, Leave a Nest Group

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. is a leading knowledge based platform company in Japan. The company is comprised of Mastersʼ and Doctorate degree holders. Leave a Nest works on extensive projects relating to Science and Technology. Dr. Maru has great experience in supporting startups. One of the startups he was supporting called euglena Co., Ltd. was listed in the First section of Tokyo Stock exchange. Heʼ s expert in advising young entrepreneur in business development and venture spirit.

Dr. Yutaka Kuroki

Director, Business Development and Corporate Strategy, Japan Tobacco Inc.

Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) is a leading international tobacco company that is also actively present in pharmaceuticals and processed foods. Dr. Kuroki earned Ph.D. in Agricultural study from The University of Tokyo. He has played various roles in JT; such as a Researcher, R&D Strategy Manager, and Human Resource Director before joining the business development team. In his current team, he is playing a pivotal role in connecting JT to startup communities in South East Asia.

Dr. Sachin Malwadkar

Research Scientist, Mitsui Chemicals Singapore R&D Centre, Pte. Ltd.

Mitsui Chemicals Inc. is one of the diversified companies in Japan and providing wide variety of chemicals and polymers globally. This will helps to build a better future for the society in business domains mainly, Mobility, Healthcare, Food & Packaging, Next Generation Businesses and Basic Materials. Dr Sachin associate with Mitsui Chemicals Singapore R&D centre, Singapore for new business in the field of catalysis for basic chemicals, basic materials, Healthcare, Agrochemicals and identification of outside partner candidates. He is looking for new business opportunities making best use of open innovation combining with Mitsui Chemicals’ proprietary technologies.

Mr. Adrian Lim

President Director BLOCK71 Jakarta

Mr. Adrian Lim is co-founder and CEO of PT PopBox Asia Services, a specialized automated parcels solution provider. PopBox Asia provides automated parcel lockers touch point that serve the local e-commerce and courier companies. Mr. Lim also holds a position as the President Director of BLOCK71 Jakarta, an incubation and coworking facilities that aim to build the Indonesian startup ecosystem and develop local talents.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi K. Purwadaria

Head of International Relation, AIBI Network

Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi K. Purwadaria was the founder of the Incubator Center for Agribusiness and Agroindustry (ICAA) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in 1995, and lead the incubator to a sustain institution until 2005, when it was further developed into Research and Development Center for Entrepreneurship with the ICAA remained as a division under the new Center. He became the Director of the Center until 2007.

Mr. Karyana Hutomo

Head of Business Incubator of Binus University.

Experience in Entrepreneurship Education for 10 years and on move on, current activities as Head of Business Incubator of Binus University; Commissioner in PT Mitra Rencana Edukasi (a Consultant company of financial literacy and Business Advisory); Commissioner & Founder of Generasi Usaha Edukasi, (a Business incubator) and having some startup on going. Had a Business Coaching Company and still doing for personal clients with by credential Certified Practitioner of NLP, Timeline Therapy and NLP Coach from American Board of NLP.

The Finalist

First TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in INDONESIA was held at Block 71 Jakarta on 7th July 2018

On the 7th July 2018, the first Tech Plan Demo Day was held in Jakarta, Indonesia at block71 Jakarta. On this historic event, we selected 12 teams from the 31 applicants for the finalist with a diverse range of technological advancements including deep tech, bio-tech and agricultural tech. The 12 teams had to pitch to the panel of judges about their core technology, business model and what is their beneficial impact to society.

Various awards were given out during TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in INDONESIA by our partners of the event. These include the prestigious Grand Winner Award, Japan Tobacco Award and Mitsui Chemical award Award and surprise Leave a Nest Award.

Grand Winner of TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Indonesia 2018

Grand winner: Indobot

Content: 300,000 JPY cash prize, round trip air tickets to Singapore and accommodation for 2 team members, and right to participate in TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in SINGAPORE 2018.

Team: CV Indobot

Theme: Indobot as a solution to children mobile gaming addiction.

Congratulations to all the winners of Tech Plan Demo Day Indonesia 2018! We look forward to seeing all the contributions that the winners and as well as the finalist can contribute to society with their innovation.

Next up is the TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in SINGAPORE 2018 which is going to feature all winners from SEA and 10 teams from Singapore.

Spread the news and keep in touch!


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Buka Rahasia Kesuksesan di Era Transformasi Digital Tanpa Batas. Temukan Makna Sukses Anda Bersama Oby Zamisyak, S.Pd., M.Pd.


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